7-Day Customer Service US Cell 619-609-3432 & WhatsApp                    Find Us On:   

Get in Touch With “Cruise RO Rich”

Customer service and tech support is the most important aspect of what I do! I strive to be the best I can be when it comes to communication. Available 7 days a week to help you with your questions and installs. We know how important your water making needs are!

“Without Water There Simply Is NO FUN!”

My Contact Info:

You can also use the WhatsApp chat portal to message me 7 days a week

USA Cell And WhatsApp Number: (619) 609-3432

Use the contact email form below or use my direct email.

EMAIL: [email protected]


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Hi It's Rich 👋How can I help you?
You can try me here on WhatsApp.
Or click the X at upper right to close this portal box and continue browsing.
If you don't have WhatsApp you will need to install it on your phone first.
You can download the app to your phone if your are using a phone to view this on the next screen.
Just click on the green open chat button.
If you already have it on your phone and you are using a computer you will be able to link it.
It's become a standard in the way people communicate worldwide at no cost.
If your a cruiser its a must!
I never use or sell any of your information. Everything that is used here is to help you with your customer service needs. I use WhatsApp because I typically carry my phone at all times. It works everywhere even on most planes for text messages.